Who we are
Did you know that on average around 3 million people around the world migrate to the United States according to USA Facts. When immigrating to the U.S., many seek to achieve the American Dream—a vision of opportunity, freedom, and success through hard work and determination. But in reality, coming to a new country is not so perfect at all. Immigrants often face culture shock, language barriers, discrimination, while dealing with employment issues, managing financial challenges, and navigating complex immigration paperwork. These obstacles not only add immense pressure to their lives but also take a toll on their mental health. According to UCLA Center for Health Policy Research, According to the UCLA Center for Health Policy Research, recent immigrants in California face significant mental health disparities such as depression and anxiety.
This is why we created Roots & Routes. We are high school students dedicated to making a difference for newly arrived immigrants, especially youth. We understand the struggles coming to a new country as some of us have experienced it firsthand. We hope to foster connection, understanding, and support by creating a space where stories of migration and cultural identity can be shared and celebrated. Go support our anthology project by submitting your story!
Click here to learn more about our team’s individual stories!